Sugar palm is a multipurpose tree species, which provides livelihoods for local people and food for other biotas in the landscape. This type of palm is known as the "tree of life" because all parts of the tree can be utilized and have a high economic value. The potential sugar produced is closely related to the characteristics and physiological activities of the plants. Characterization of stomata, trichomes, and chlorophyll showed specific characteristics that correlated with one another, and with Brix content and elevation. Significant correlations were shown in several stomata, trichomes, and chlorophyll parameters. From the three physiological characteristics, stomata and chlorophyll characteristics were significantly affecting Brix content and elevation. The width of the left stomata significantly correlated with elevation (0.4335), while the left tip chlorophyll was significantly correlated with Brix content (-0.44462). Overall, we concluded that some chlorophyll characteristics could be physiological indicators that specifically affect crop yields through environmental interaction in various weather conditions and elevations. In contrast, stomata characteristics can be used to improve the quality and quantity of plants in specific environmental conditions. However, more information on the physiological characteristics of a sugar palm tree is needed to modify physiological characteristics that can enhance growth and optimize crop yields in the future.
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